No continuous monitoring. No government overreach. No infringement on the 2nd Amendment.

Protecting Life & Liberty

Using cutting-edge technology to identify harmful intent, criminal activity, and stop acts of violence, while simultaneously protecting the Second Amendment.

Empowering Communities, Protecting Lives

The United States has witnessed far too many mass shootings, leaving our communities shattered and our hearts heavy with grief. Each tragic event serves as a stark reminder that we must do everything in our power to prevent future acts of violence and enable a system that will deter government overreach.

Our mission at DoubleCheck is to protect the firearms industry and reduce gun related crimes by identifying high-risk individuals through open-source, public data.

Our Mission


Government overreach by providing a private solution to this nationwide problem.


the retailer with open-source, public data to make informed decisions.


retailers and manufacturers from liability by adding a second, more expansive check prior to purchase.


the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, Local, State, and Federal firearms laws, and the privacy of consumers.

Leading Technology

At DoubleCheck, we use cutting-edge technology to identify harmful intent and troubling criminal behavior before a potential shooter purchases a weapon. This system provides the firearms community confidence when selling firearms by analyzing public, online behavior and patterns to help them make more informed decisions. DoubleCheck identifies individuals who display concerning signs of violence, have published online manifestos, or have showcased an inclination to harm themselves or others. This powerful tool has the potential to be a game-changer in our fight against mass shootings while keeping this solution private and without interference from the government.

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